End Child Marriage challenge to my fellow youth

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The problem of Child marriage continues to bite in many African countries/communities. Despite Most of them having  legal marriage age set at 18 years; the laws has been overlooked and many girls are getting married way below this age. In Kenya it’s estimated that one in every four Kenyan girls is married before the age of 18, and one in twenty before their 15th birthday. Now the question begs whose responsibility is it to protect these angels from this harmful traditional practice that continually inflicts violence against them, and violates their basic human rights

In my view I believe the youth and especially men can play a very great role in the fight against early marriages. The girls at risk of being married off have their peers, friends, cousins, neighbors and brothers who are supposed to safeguard them. My challenge to young men and teens out there is they should be their sister’s keepers. They should not allow the old men to take away their future potential wives. The same way they should protect the girls from #FGM which acts as a prerequisite for child marriage.

As youth if we allow the elderly to marry off our peers, or the teens what happens to us when we get to the age of marriage? Definitely we may be forced to go for “child” hence the continuity of this ill culture.

Just thinking Loud!!!!!!


Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

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