“Africa my Blessed Cursed Continent”

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“Africa my Blessed Cursed Continent”

The crazy story of creation: “God” created Europe first and he placed the Europeans there. The place was too cold though during the winter and the conditions were almost unbearable. Next he created Asia and placed the Asians there similarly the place was too dry and too hot. Finally he created Africa and the weather conditions were perfect, neither too hot nor too cold. This made the Asians and Europeans to complain to “God”. Then he told them don’t worry my children wait until you see the kind of people I place in that continent. They will be dependent on you as they will ever be fighting and destroying each other. They will cling into harmful cultural practices and will make their women slaves .They will not even realize how great their land is. (Author unknown)

Fellow Africans I have been thinking about this deeply, is there some truth in this story? Let’s begin with the current situation in Gambia. The dictator president lost in a democratically contested election and he conceded. Then he went to sleep and dreamt of himself still being the president of Gambia and he refused to wake up. His dream has continued for weeks now and attempts to wake him up have fallen on deaf ears. Meanwhile the country has been thrown into a state of anarchy and Gambians are a worried lot. So help us God. That is just one example among others in Africa.

Child marriages, Female genital mutilation, Teenage pregnancies, HIV continues to bite us most in Africa. Where did we go wrong? When they introduce comprehensive sex education (CSE) in our schools to save us we are very quick to label it as Un-African and against our culture, who will save us? We are stuck on harmful cultural practices which have no benefits whatsoever all in the name of preserving culture.  Tell me when were you was lastly served with a plate of culture for diner? We have made our women slaves; allow me to say women are the most underutilized resource in African continent. We have failed to realize the great potential that women carry; we are jumping up and down asking for economic stimulus while we continue to ignore our women. So help us God

Our continent is endowed with enormous resources but they don’t help us. Mass rooting of public resources is the order of the day in our beautiful continent. The resources have turned out to be a curse rather than a blessing. The fight for natural resources is the greatest source of conflict in most African countries. So help us God.

And the story continues……

Where did we go wrong are we really the blessed cursed continent??????


Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

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