Religious leaders and FGM

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Happy New Year!                               

On 10th and 11th December 2018 I was privileged to sit down at the National Religious Leaders Summit held in Nairobi Kenya. The summit brought together religious leaders and scholars from all the FGM hotspot counties in Kenya. The Islamic religious leaders present included among others the Deputy Chief Kadhi of Kenya, National Chair of the Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK), the North Eastern Region Chair of Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM) as well as many renowned Muslim scholars in Kenya. Christians were not left behind either with clergy from most of the denominations being in attendance, Among those present was Reverend Connie Kivuti General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya and also a board member of the Anti-FGM Board.

The aim of the summit was to provide a platform for religious leaders to initiate and sustain a National conversation on the ongoing efforts in the fight against FGM/C in Kenya; with a view of taking stock of what has worked and what needs to be improved on as well as to initiate the process of developing a National Plan of Action on the role of religious leaders in ending FGM/C in Kenya.

The summit was graced with the presence of Hon. Safina Kwekwe the Gender Principal Secretary who gave the official opening remarks. She challenged the religious leaders’ presence to take it upon themselves to ensure that this harmful practice was eliminated once and for all.


Hon. Safina Kwekwe – Principal Secretary Gender addressing the religious leaders                                                                               

“Majority of Kenyans subscribe to a religion and sometimes they tend to listen to you more than they listen to us government officials,” she said

“In Kenya, over 9.3 Million Women and girls alive today live with the scars of FGM” she added, “This shows out of the 200 Million women and girls who have undergone FGM/C in the whole world as per the available statistics almost 5% of them reside in Kenya” she lamented.

“I am not cut; does this make me a lesser Muslim?” she challenged the religious leaders

The main highlight of the two-day summit was the discussion around Sunna and FGM. I can authoritatively report that all Muslim religious leaders and scholars agreed that Female Genital Mutilation was not an Islamic requirement whatsoever. The point of departure though was a few scholars who argued that Sunna was contained in hadith. After heated deliberations, everyone agreed there was no punishment whatsoever for not carrying out Sunna and hence it did not make sense why the same should be encouraged.

Deputy Chief Khadi of Kenya -Sukyan Abdi Mohamed addressing the participants

In his presentation, the Deputy Chief Khadi of Kenya noted that no one had the monopoly of opinion. He added those present at the summit were just a small representation of the religious leaders in Kenya and there was the need to cascade the resolutions of the conference to the counties and eventually to the sub-counties, villages, and communities. This would ensure all the religious leaders understood each other on the matter to clear any doubts or disagreements as this harmful practice affected many innocent women and girls. He concluded that the experience of FGM survivors tells a lot about FGM, terming it as an experience they would never wish to go through again.

You may be wondering where the Christian clergy was all this time; well from the Christian’s side of view, there was no contention at all. They all agreed that this was a harmful cultural practice and that the churches had a great role to play in the fight against the vice. They noted that some of the churches and religious leaders had given a cold eye to the whole issue of FGM. This was mainly for fear of losing congregants and backlash from the community. They vowed though to take it upon themselves to revamp the fight against this harmful cultural practice that had no medical benefits whatsoever but countless lifetime complications.


On the second day Hon. Wario Ali, the Member of Parliament for Bura Constituency, who’s also the chairperson of the Labor and Social Welfare Parliamentary Committee was here to grace the occasion and give the closing remarks.

Hon. Ali Wario Member of Parliament – Bura Constituency and also the chair of the Labor and Social Welfare Parliamentary Committee

“For how long will we bury our heads in the sand, the reality is people are suffering, over 9 Million women and girls have undergone FGM in Kenya, is this not enough? Or how many more? Till we speak to address this issue. The law is in place but suffering continues under the disguise of ‘our culture’, ignorance is the order of the day, we come to these meetings in big hotels to discuss issues, and agree but when we walk out it dies there!” He challenged the religious leaders.

“We are in the national assembly where I chair a whole sector if you want us to review policies and laws we are there for you” He promised “But we want you people to stand up from today, let go out of this conference room and sensitize the populations in our villages, let’s bring everyone on the board even the ignorant,” He said


“When parliament resumes in February 2019 my committee will engage directly with the Anti-FGM Board and the National Gender and Equality Commission to discuss the progress made in ending FGM and especially the implementation of the Anti-FGM law” He promised as he concluded.


           Press conference at the end of the summit

At the end of the two-day meeting, the religious leaders agreed the form an interdenominational movement dubbed “Religious Leaders Against FGM”. Provisional officials were also agreed upon to help spearhead the activities of the movement. The religious leaders agreed on a six-month road map to organize and hold county meetings as well as village sensitization meetings in their respective areas of operation. It was also resolved a similar National religious leaders summit to be held in June 2019 to review the progress made.

Note: The summit was made possible by World Vision Kenya in partnership with Dayaa Women Group from Tana River County Kenya. Remember It Takes Us All to End Violence against Children and religious leaders are vital members of our societies.

Watch the  Press conference as reported by NTV Kenya 

Religious leaders have strongly condemned what they say are harmful cultural practices such as Female Genital Mutilation, with a pledge to accelerate action…



Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

There are 6 comments

  1. Robert Munyui Kamunyu |

    THE BUTCHERS OF WOMANHOOD- FGM ( THE COVENANT OF THE FLESH). When God told Abraham to sign the covenant of the flesh, he circumcised all the men, male children up of eight days old and he was circumcised. The message was direct and in a plain language. GENESIS 17: 1-27. The agreement was strategically initiated and the male child grew beholding daily his agreement with God at every call of nature throughout his married life. Genesis17 :9-14, 9 And God said to Abraham: “As for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. 10 This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised; 11 and you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and you. 12 He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations, he who is born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not your descendant. 13 He who is born in your house and he who is bought with your money must be circumcised, and My covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14 And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.
    The way and style of circumcising a man child at Gibeath-haaraloth was given by God as a must for a man child. Joshua 5:2. 2 At that time the LORD said to Joshua, “Make flint knives for yourself, and circumcise the sons of Israel again the second time.” 3 So Joshua made flint knives for himself, and circumcised the sons of Israel at the hill of the foreskins. Any man child that was not circumcised was to be cut off from his people. The covenant of the flesh for a man is with ease to behold with no ill feelings or regrets without medication required afterwards in life. When God warned in a spiritual language and told Moses that the Children of Israel shall not mutilate girls in honor of the dead ( satanic sacrifice since there is no circumcision of girls in God), the message was well understood and was given in a spiritual language which bears two warning. The Israelis parents shall not sexually mutilate daughters and fathers we commanded not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic sacrifice for a woman, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honored humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. Leviticus19:28-29, 28You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD. 29 Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness. Jehovah God commands girls shall not be defiled in mutilation in honor of the dead. Fgm has remained a highly honored and celebrated satanic sacrifice profile on bosoms of parents ,grandparents and aunts done for men in honor of the dead in keeping women as honored sexual cripples. They view women in sexually divine state as sexually wild and demonic. Thus they obligate themselves to tame women sexually and leave men sexually wild at peace.
    Some wars atrocities, famines, draughts and diseases are as results of satanic sacrifices offered in fgm for men. Those parents who honorary perform the fgm carnage are a curse which brings turmoil to families and nation. Ephesians 6 1-4, 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honour your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: 3 “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” 4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. God wants to bring our children into obedient in a holy family’s environment without immoral harmful acts. Once a girl is brought up in such safe and secure family environment, upon marriage God commands man to love his wife and do her no any immoral harmful acts. Many women are also mutilated when giving birth on instructions got from sadist husbands. Malachi 2: 14-17, Yet you say, “For what reason? ”Because the LORD has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant. 15 But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. 16 “For the LORD God of Israel says That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,” Says the LORD of hosts. “Therefore take heed to your spirit, That you do not deal treacherously.” 17 You have wearied the LORD with your words; Yet you say, “In what way have we wearied Him?” In that you say, “who does evil Is good in the sight of the LORD, And He delights in them,” Or, “Where is the God of justice?” God has promised our beloved sister save child delivery as she continue in faith, charity and holiness with sobriety, 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they have been defiled with humanity demonic practices.
    All traditional fgm mutilators die spiritually poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut from the altar of Satan are dedicated to demonic world and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan unless she is made a new creature in Salvation. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights at Divine state which bring fore play as a necessity in order to bring her arousal into phase with man for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4. How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while her rights in sexual joy were removed from her in FGM leaving her with a destroyed marital conjugal network. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual orientation ability articulations base. Fgm prostitution castration curse of honour by parents is a satanic sacrifice for men. Leviticus 19:28-29, 28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.29 ‘Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a harlot, lest the land fall into harlotry, and the land become full of wickedness. The flesh is cut in honour of the dead to keep women sexually halve dead crippled at home for men thus making king of marriage an honoured sexual scavenger and an intruder in satanic world. Proverb 14:1-2, 1The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.2 He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD . But he who is perverse in his ways despises Him. Marital doors ( seals) and the fleshy alert notification aerial are scrapped out. The fountain of love is defiled in honour of the dead, Proverbs 5:18-19,18 Let your fountain be blessed ,And rejoice with the wife of your youth.19 As a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; And always be enraptured with her love. Song of Solomon 4:12. A garden enclosed Is my sister, my spouse, A spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Satan has cheated men on fgm in the same manner Eve was cheated to eat the forbidden fruit when he approached Eve to be a help to her in eating the forbidden fruit to be like God affirming that God knew about it. Fgm is a satanic sacrifice by parents for men. The flesh is cut in honour of the dead to keep women sexually halve dead as sexual cripples at home in order to satisfy men’s demonic sexual ego to satanic cultural Chasity honoured. This is the enticing satanic cultural promise for men that a woman that is castrated in fgm will not be fornicator and un adulterous in life. Culturally assumed promiscuous life style of a woman is dealt with in fgm castration at altar of satan in honour of the dead with full parental honour. Nothing is done to men’s childhood manhood to curtail men’s promiscuous life style in cultures. This is the enticing satanic cultural promise for men that a woman that is castrated in fgm will not be fornicator and un adulterous in life.
    Good or evil is grounded with corroborated enhanced support of prominent people. Even when medical professionals perform fgm, it remains a satanic sacrifice for men. Once a girl child’s lustrous beauty of womanhood is offered to satan in fgm prostitution in honor of the dead by her parents ,the marriage bed is defiled hence her body loses sexual vitality and turns to a cold sexual state which they call good behavior-halve sexually (dead) asleep. Satan always brings falsehood which seems too good with promises which seem out weight the truth. Fgm satanic sacrifice in honor of the dead is offered to man as a tool of sexual suppression control on womanhood and the land is cursed in oppressive evils faithfully secured by men. Fgm is purely a satanic sacrifice endorsed for men who accept and demand cultural sexual castration on womanhood as a must in marriage. Men require redemption and sanctification of their souls to God from satanic enslavement honor in fgm offered over their prime flesh endorsed over generations. Men have religiously tasked themselves in a sexual supremacy battle field in envy over womanhood in suppressing women sexually in fgm as an act of blaming God for her active sexuality which they view as not in order . This is purely demonic competitive sexual inclination of men which demonizes womanhood and thwart her shared Divine sexual joy fulfillment entitlement and are castrated in fgm at a price for men in satanic bath blood. But God created woman equal to his needs without undeserved cruelty in fgm castration slavery demanded by men. Men must categorically reject and denounce the honored culturally rooted satanic fgm sacrifice definitely done for men as the disguised prime pillar that bear marital Chasity in life.
    Young men and women are required by God to hold their bodies in honor and sanctification and marry than to burn without removing the fleshy coals, 1Thessalonians4:4, 1Corinthians 7:1-9. The Israelis parents were commanded not to sexually mutilate daughters and fathers were not have carnal knowledge (incest) of daughters making them prostitutes. The ways and styles of mutilating girls in fgm are Satanic driven. Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic covenant done for men on womanhood prohibited by God, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honored humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. The messy honored and celebrated fgm prostitution castration done by parents remains a satanic sexual sacrifice for perceived benefits for men in sexual castration on womanhood under cultural sexual slavery morality cover up honorary in place at play. Cultural Elites have argued of removing the parts of the male organ in the sexual organ of womanhood. Can they at the same level advocate of amputating of the teats studs at males’ bust and call them women organs in busts of men? Men are to be blamed for their competitive demonic sexual ego attitude that entertain enhanced demand on the most horrible unkind cut of fgm that subject women to satanic sexual castration by way of searching their own holiness in God through womanhood without Divine love. Parents should disregard and discard hard satanic act of fgm initiation at the fountain of love in honor of the dead from the bosom of their hearts and turn back to God. Fgm is a satanic sacrifice by parents for men. Leviticus 19:28-29. The flesh is cut in honour of the dead to keep women sexually halve dead as sexual cripples for men at home in order to satisfy men’s demonic sexual ego to satanic cultural Chasity.
    Fgm prostitution is a prime satanic covenant done for men on womanhood prohibited by God, of secrecy with miseries and constrains of disgrace to behold accompanied by many cases of traumatic child delivery requiring medication. Fgm sin of crime of honored humiliation for womanhood persists for many girls globally. There is no open fold of a foreskin in a sexual organ of a woman to cut round that hides dirty stuffs that stinks. There are no undue growths that warrant cutting and scrapping in her sexual organ. There is no part of her sexual organ that rots as she grows old from childhood. The messy honored and celebrated fgm prostitution castration done by parents remains a satanic sexual sacrifice for perceived benefits for men in sexual castration on womanhood under cultural sexual slavery morality cover up honorary in place at play. Cultural Elites have argued of removing the parts of the male organ in the sexual organ of womanhood. Can they at the same level advocate of amputating of the teats studs at males’ bust and call them women organs in busts of men? Men are to be blamed for their competitive demonic cultural sexual ego attitude that entertain enhanced demand on the most horrible unkind cut of fgm that subject women to satanic sexual castration by way of searching their own holiness in God through womanhood without Divine love.
    Those who justify fgm benefits in any form are mare agents of satan in sheep skin. There are blunt lies of those women anointed by satan to propagate fgm when they claim women that are not cut stinks. Homes ,cities and countries where fgm is not practiced would have been stinking hell if their claim is true which would have been an open truth known by all. The devil is the father of lies and his accomplished do the falsehood in justified satanic wisdom and knowledge in false forced cultural religions Esther4: 1-17. The King of Persia and Media had a law also on women and only the king’s favor on a wife’s uninvited paid visit to inner court would save her from eminent death punishment by his held out golden scepter an act of favor and approval. This law had sexual control on womanhood. From the fall of man from the garden of Aden man’s further fall from grace was subjected to demonic competitive lust to womanhood in polygamous marriages ( which later turned to enmity against womanhood also in form of fgm) which was not in favor with God and He reduced his old age to 120yrs Genesis 6:1-7. Satan has convinced men and parents to demand and shift girls’ natural Divine onset to maturity from monthly period to fgm prostitution castration curse in honor of the dead as part of cultural hate crime of honor against lustrous beauty of womanhood in Divine sexuality. Fgm remains a satanic cultural sexual sacrifice honorary prescribed by parents and endorsed by sadist men in tearing down the helm of womanhood from the apex. Sadly fgm is the only offered satanic cultural sexual sacrifice cerebrated with acclaimed benefits for men in crippling womanhood to preserve perceived chastity honored. Satanic fgm honor is a cover up of a demonic sacrifice watered and offered to men. Worse more still is for men who give fgm prostitution castration a blanket blind cultural religious cover up support.
    Wisdom practically assert that women with functional active alert notification aerials with marital doors seals intact are cushy habitation for king of marriage since the king of marriage notification is perfectly accepted and the marital doors are easily oiled and opened all the way forward without marital doors gate crashing by the king of marriage. Is marital doors gates crashing a win for men? If so, this is the sadist marital state of integrity for men in demonic world .In bold day light cultural elites are caught bare footed flat when they argue that castrated women in fgm are plus to a man with dysfunctional king of marriage.
    Israelis women remained lively and delivered goodly children easily a state known to Pharaoh. Exodus 1:15-22. Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, of whom the name of one was Shiphrah and the name of the other Puah; 16 and he said, “When you do the duties of a midwife for the Hebrew women, and see them on the birth stools, if it is a son, then you shall kill him; but if it is a daughter, then she shall live.” 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive. 18 So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this thing, and saved the male children alive? 19 And the midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are lively and give birth before the midwives come to them.”20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. 21 And so it was, because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for them.22 So Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, “Every son who is born[c] you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.
    That knowledge on the difference between a circumcised woman and a woman who had not faced the evil cut was exploited by the Hebrew Midwives, Shiphrah and Puah as their biological reason for saving the men children alive contrary to the King of Egypt instructions for their ultimate death at birth for they were easily and lively delivered goodly children, 2 Exodus 2:1-2. Pharaoh was well aware that the Egyptians women were not lively and had difficulties in delivering children due to Pharaonic circumcision or infibulations thus he agreed with the midwives’ answer.
    God has promised our beloved sister save child delivery as she continue in faith, charity and holiness with sobriety, 1Timothy 2: 15 .Girls who had the evil cut cannot pass the threshold of Divine virginity since they sacrificed their fresh to demonic world. Their virginity in marriage is according to satanic standards since they have been defiled with humanity demonic practices. All traditional fgm mutilator die poor for Satan keep them poor to their trade. The girl child holds no battle field of faith in her defiled crippled sexual state. She is sexually excavated, sexually muted and sexually crippled. Girls who face the evil cut from the altar of Satan are dedicated to demonic world and for a man marrying her is equal to sharing a wife with Satan unless she is made a new creature in Salvation.. FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights at Divine state which bring fore play as a necessity in order to bring her arousal into phase with man for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4. How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while her rights in sexual joy were removed from her in FGM leaving her with a destroyed marital conjugal network. Circumcision in man does not alter his sexual orientation ability articulations base.
    A woman to man, she is house with many doors, a garden and a fountain sealed with lustrous beauty of womanhood in Divine order. The man plants a seed and a child grows in the womb and is born. The man quench his marital thirst with her in shared joy for woman is a ready keeper at home. A fountain with covered seals are cushions to king of marriage respected comfort and has more flesh safe water than uncovered well. A fenced garden has a defense and is a safe comfort. Song of Solomon 5:1-2. Song of Solomon 4:12, Proverbs 5:18-19. Man approach to love intimacy prove him in epitome of moral deprivation in demonic world, in case for him to prop up the garden of love without marital door and freshly coals thus making the king of marriage un intruder to the fountain of love without seals and alert notification aerials done away with in fgm. Worse still is for a man with dysfunctional king of marriage ,mind and spirit if he plunges himself to atrocities done in fgm bound in foolishness with ignorance. His mind is lured to envious pride of sexual destruction which wishes a woman to be sexually cripples in fgm not to be sexually at par with him thus making his body a rod of torture. But God made woman equal to his needs. The banner of love is at even state over the garden of love at Divine state when his hand lands at the garden of love to prop it up undisturbed as the king of marriage mark and flag the fleshy coals for un intimate marital relationship in common joy. Song of Solomon 2:2-5. Man is instructed by God not to be sexually immoral or do any severe harm to his wife of his youth and give her conjugal wrights and benefits in shared joy as one body in common control. Malachi2;12-17. 1Corinthians7:1-5. The devil has vested harbored honorable demonic powers to some parents to permanently control and deform girls sexual organs in fgm castration atrocities before marriage for demonic chastity status acceptance which leaves man sexually morally dry and at a loose at jetty of love. Circumcision in man does not destroy his body integrity and his sexual articulation ability base remains intact ready for joy. Fgm remains a deadly liability to girls’ spiritual and physical live hood. Nothing more gratifying against fgm than hearing present generation of fathers say that they will never allow their daughters to be mutilated and forfeit their marital joy. More satisfying is to hear young men tell fathers to circumcise daughters minds and let them proceed on with education.
    How stupid a man may be, by instinct a man will falter in search of the fleshy coals removed in fgm thus leaving him at moral loose for unfulfilled marital mission not achieved which may end up in frustrations and unusual marital conflicts. The fleshy coals are provided for the benefits of their marriage life. 1Corithians7: 9. The fleshy coals help a woman in marriage to lock in emotionally with her husband in a cordial cushy marital sexual relationship. Some parents send their daughters far away to close relatives for retrogressive fgm as a cover up without the girl child knowledge of the adverse side effects on her body and spirit. The onus of the honored satanic fgm defilement prostitution castration curse is more honorary in parents hands held captive by culture as the power house of demonic oppressive honored culture.
    Fgm was satanically designed to deliver brutal sexual crippling effects to a girl child from her very womanhood. The liberation struggle against fgm must start with the young men as the deciding factor in fgm eradication and abandonment. Fgm prostitution castration atrocities are dedicated to men which is demonically wrong. Youths have to free themselves from cultural sexual slavery in fgm prostitution banqueted for them by old generation for their none existent spiritual and physical well-being phase out. Fgm prostitution mark parents entrenched in demonic world together with witches and magicians turning the sexual organ of a woman into an institution of satanic honored reverence. Parents must know they shall account before God on satanic sacrifice performed in fgm in the final day of judgment . Fgm prostitution bleeds horrible sorrows and suffering for a woman in her life time. When the mind of the man child is redeemed from the grip of filthy fgm prostitution castration acts and fathers break the deadly terror of silence against the inherent morally disgusting and offensive fgm prostitution castration curse then it will be the natural death of satan seat on womanhood in honour of the dead.
    A woman body in Divine state is an electrifying and magnetizing natural refresher for the man in trace of his Holy Creator. Men should appreciated they are delivered safely to the world from the womb and should never wage waves of wars of atrocities against womanhood. Men can break the satanic cultural religious zeal in fgm for the dignity of the girl child. Fathers bear the absolute responsibilities in delivering girls to the platform of victory against fgm predicaments. When fathers say no and forgo fgm without seemingly taking the back seat ,young men are automatically on board against fgm. God called Abraham and left his people who were idol worshipers at Ur and He blessed him. Joshua stood for God with his family among rebellious Israel. Fgm is the chronic moral disorder in a man bonded to satan in fear of divine sexuality of womanhood in culture. Fgm was dearly started by men as a tool of sexual deprivation and suppression in womanhood in war of virgins waged by men who later brought it forward to women to propagate it in inherent zeal unknown before. Where is even the spiritual virginity of girls mutilated by men in martyrdom of womanhood to a bride price beyond love integrity in womanhood ?
    The end of fgm is simple. When fathers decide that they will not sacrifice their daughter to satan in fgm and men decide they will not have fgm in marriage, that will usher to ultimate celebrated end of fgm. There is no trade without customers. Fgm was a satanic sacrifice done by men and today done for men perceived benefits . Men have traded fgm with satan for sexual supremacy over womanhood for generations immemorial. When men do away with fgm, there will be no more fgm atrocities blood bath. This is the way forward for men who stand in truth and just righteousness who acknowledge and live in purpose of Divine knowledge in Divine wisdom order. The church must delink herself from the satanic sacrifice of fgm in honor of the dead which is an idol to man in womanhood and a curse to a nation. Men should not enter into marriage in seeking vain glory of sexual competition with women which raises gain to fgm prostitution castration for men to attain sexual superiority over women since it is a Divine given equally shared joy. There should be no sexual militancy in man in marriage life. Men should not take pleasure in sexually humiliating and hurting women in fgm prostitution castration persecution .
    It is quite evident when parents are clothed and cushioned in overwhelming cultural honor in fgm prostitution moral slavery siege then they remain ready to sacrifice their daughters in fgm for demonic binding community social acceptance. Fgm culturally conspired historical cultural weapon of plunder and prostitution on womanhood is bound and demonically treasured in cultural respect and honor entrenched without Divine love or natural justice for the girl child’s Divine Spiritual benefits. Worse woes for girls where fgm is given a demonic cultural religious cover up as a way of shielding parental honor for the credible economically supportive parents. When anti-fgm is headed by men, women seem to be sitting at edge of marriage life and are frustrated and ashamed of themselves with compounded fear of their families being destroyed as men are set free from fgm cultural slavery honor. What was done in fgm in cultural fanfare haunt them in Christian marriage life which is a willful wake-up call to men to end satanic fgm which will leave parents without a choice. The cultural satanic cord of falsehood in fgm that has hooked men is now broken and Jehovah God Has removed the satanic deceptive satanic bait of honor in fgm.
    For now wisdom desires for deserved understanding, rescue and redemption of parents enslaved in cultural prostitution castration of their daughters in demonic honor in culture of fgm. Let Christian parents know that fgm is a satanic sacrifice with no spiritual physical benefits or Holly honor at all. Fgm remains a monster in the hands of parents caught captive and enslaved in demonic world of fgm culture which the some clergies have not handle effectively spiritually. There are some people who say that the Bible has not mentioned or condemned fgm which is not true since God prohibited fgm in a spiritual language (Leviticus19:28-29).This has given lukewarm attitude towards fgm thus giving parents face saving values which helps the perpetuation and legitimizing of the heinous act of fgm carnage among Christians. This is the soft accommodation landing ground for many culturally strong willed parents in fgm which requires bashing from the preaching fraternity. Let religious leaders have a firm stand against the mystery of prostitution honor in fgm, it will be the drastic end of sexual castration disability in fgm brutality among Christians around the world. Fgm satanic sacrifice is entangled in cultural honor and has profound ramifications on womanhood spiritually and physically which is given a walkover by satan.
    Fgm reveals the state of mind for men in cultural sexual slavery on womanhood. To end fgm is easy, when we face the whole real truth without being clothed in our own social honor but aiming only to gain the uphold of Godly honor. It worked fifteen years ago at night for our community during a burial mourning ceremony when I taught them all concerning ills of fgm at sober reality mood. From that night fgm slavery ended in our community for the glory of God Almighty. Come and be renewed at the throne of grace for Christ is full of love and mercy for your free sanctification and redemption. Let our beloved sisters join brothers in Christ in Spiritual circumcision in Christ Jesus Colossians 2:8-12, Roman2:28-29, Jeremiah 4:4,Jeremiah9:25-26. The cradle of hope in Christ Jesus radiates the inner person in peace who forgives in perfect love and cannot be deformed. Let the abundant love of Christ prevail in your yielding enabling life of righteousness in sanctified honor in Christ Jesus. His unfailing unifying love full of grace is sufficient for your triumph future without compromise. The Church is cleansed and perfectly restored for His own glory. Love covers multitudes of sins and weakness. Jehovah God break the yoke of Satan in fgm prostitution castration atrocities at family pillars for the fulfillment of your internal glory. AMEN.GOD OUTLAWED FGM WHICH WAS FORBIDDEN AND WRITTEN IN SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE, Leviticus 19:28-29.The message is freely given purely to the body of JESUS CHRIST worldwide. Kindly avail the message freely to all medias at no prohibition. Bro. Robert Munyui Kamunyu

  2. Robert Munyui Kamunyu |

    Fgm is also injustice to the King of marriage. The fleshy pillows and the fleshy alert notification aerial for the king of marriage are scrapped out making the king of marriage intruder to the garden of love. Song of Solomon 4:12, garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”

  3. Robert Munyui Kamunyu |

    Fgm is also injustice to the King of marriage. The fleshy pillows and the fleshy alert notification aerial for the king of marriage are scrapped out making the king of marriage intruder and a rod of torture to the garden of love. Song of Solomon 4:12, garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”

  4. Robert Munyui Kamunyu |

    FGM is a form of partial castration for a womanhood. Man is commanded by GOD to give his wife her conjugal wrights at Divine state which bring fore play as a necessity in order to bring her arousal into phase with man for its a shared joy. 1Corithians 1:1-4. How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while her rights in sexual joy were removed from her in FGM leaving her with a destroyed marital conjugal network. How can a sexually mutilated woman deliver joy in Divine state to her husband while her rights in sexual joy were removed from her in FGM leaving her with a destroyed marital conjugal in man does not alter his sexual orientation ability articulations base. Fgm is also injustice to the King of marriage. The fleshy pillows (seals) and the fleshy alert notification aerial for the king of marriage are scrapped out making the king of marriage intruder and a rod of torture to the garden of love. Song of Solomon 4:12, garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”

  5. Robert Munyui Kamunyu |

    Where is the wise man of God in Divine wisdom who would ever raise an altar of satan in fgm and tear down the helms of womanhood with mutilating blades defiling daughters to sexual cripples to be clean? The sanctuary and the offering on the altar are all spiritually sanctioned sanctified unto God The garden of love is excavate and made rocky. For girls to free and safe from fgm , parents and men in satanic slavery require redemption of soul and spirit unto sanctification to God. Proverbs 4 :18-19; proverbs 14 :1-2; Song Of Solomon 4:12; Song Of Solomon :7-1; Corinthians 7 :8. The fleshy coals ( the seals, boughs or the petals of love which are the fleshy pillows being the branches beside and the fleshy alert notification aerial being the stay of love or the palm tree) are excavated making the king of marriage an intruder and a rod of torture. The fleshy coals helps a woman to lock in at par with husband in love. The garden of love vitality is permanently disabled, rigidly chilled muted and the fountain defiled. 1 Peter2: 15, Isaiah 5:20-23. The defense and the fences of the marriage court are dismantled and destroyed at altar of satan.
    Will ever evil spiritually foolish ignorant man know the perfect will of God for his matrimonial life and understand the mystery of fgm being also satanic injustice to the king of marriage which destroys marital freedom into darkness. Roman12 :1-2.The fleshy cushy pillows and alert notification aerial are scrapped out making the garden of love frigid and rocky. The garden of love vitality is permanently disabled, rigidly chilled muted and the fountain defiled. The fountain of love marital conjugal rights network is crippled. Jehovah God commands girls shall not be defiled in mutilation prostitution in honor of the dead. Fgm has remained a highly honored and celebrated satanic sacrifice profile; adored and adopted on bosoms of parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts channeled as a cultural social moral help marshaled by cultural elites daring dear support ensued honorably. Satan always comes to humanity as a potentially valid ready helpers and never as a liar and a killer. Genesis 3;1-7. Brethren should know satan is actively well highly represented in social status realms. They keep women as sexually halve dead cripples for men at home. They culturally view women in Divine sexual state as sexually wild and demonic. They find God at fault for providing girls with active gardens of love. Thus they obligate themselves in satanic order to sexually castrate girls in fgm rituals culturally taming perceived wild sexuality of girls but they leave men culturally sexually wild ridden at peace. The garden of love is rigidly chilled muted and the fountain of love defiled. 1 Peter 2:15;Isaih 5 :20-23. Will evil spiritually foolish ignorant man know the perfect will of God for his matrimonial life and understand the mystery of satanic fgm being also injustice to king of marriage. The fleshy cushy pillows for the king of marriage are scrapped out and the fountain conjugal rights crippled.


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