“Slay Queens vs Boy Child Debate”Are we missing the point?

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In the recent weeks there has been a raging debate on The Boy Child Vs the Slay Queens in Kenya. Hence I have decided to add my voice since I feel this discussion is misleading and going in the wrong direction….…………

Characteristics of a Slay Queen (my version)

  • They apply several layers of cheap make-up (Overdo it)
  • They have fake accent (you will think they just landed from diaspora)
  • They pretend to Uber or Taxify when a man is paying (Ngoja uwapate waking’ang’ania Nganya za Githurahi wakiwa solo)
  • Most of them have multiple sponsors
  • They take selfies with anything, anyone and anywhere even at the morgue (Using mulika mwizi and other cheap Chinese gadgets)
  • They frequent River-Road and its environs (or its equivalent in other towns) for cheap skin lightening and hips enlargement products
  • Simply a Slay Queen will pretend to be allergic to oxygen as long as at it attracts attention
  • Pretend to be comfortable on 6-inch-high heels yet they walk like …. (a preferred weapon)
  • Among others

Characteristics of Vulnerable Girls  

  • They are mainly found among the poverty stricken populations, informal settlements, areas affected by insecurity and rural areas.
  • Are at risk of female genital mutilation, other harmful cultural practices, child marriage etc.
  • Spend most of their time washing utensils, taking care of younger siblings, fetching firewood and water while the boy child is playing.
  • In most cases the boy child is given priority when it comes to education especially when there is financial constrains
  • Are at risk of sexual exploitation/defilement from Boda Boda guys and other Team ‘Mafisi’ members
  • Among others

Whereas slaying is a lifestyle vulnerability is a condition. Those who slay have the option of making their choices but the vulnerable in most cases have no choice. As such likening the Slay Queens to the vulnerable women and girls is an abomination.

I have nothing to do with slay queens but I respect their choice of lifestyle, and for the grown Ass man who claims to be vulnerable from Slay Queens all I say it’s your choice bro! We cannot purport not to educate or care for the vulnerable women and girls because they have potential of becoming future Slay Queens, this would simply amount to discrimination.

Most of the African societies are Patriarchal in nature and men by nature are known to defend their status quo in this system. Its common knowledge to every Kenyan out there, that the boy child especially among the poor and vulnerable populations is always at an advantage. This does not mean we should focus only on the girl child as we risk bringing up men who are vulnerable to Slay Queens due to lack of proper mentorship and upbringing.

Equity is the quality of being fair and impartial, if we advocate for the rights and proper upbringing of every child whether a boy or a girl, then we will have an empowered and informed society with plenty opportunities for everyone.


Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

There are 2 comments

  1. This is an interesting article.. similar situation here in Nigeria. I guess the whole *slay Queen* trend is all over Africa.


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