Youth and #FGM

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Currently in this world we have the most youthful generation than there has ever been. It’s also evident that there is increased activities geared towards ending FGM than there has ever been. Informed youths is the best resource that any country can have at their disposal and the vice versa is true. Remember youths and adolescents stand to benefit most by the achievement of SDGs than any other generation.

To achieve the generational change that, we so much yearn for in the fight against FGM we cannot afford to ignore the youthful generation and especially men. Remember most if not all reasons for FGM point directly or indirectly at increasing marriageability. Aha, who are the potential future husbands? Over years we have focused on enlightening women and girls on matters FGM, could this have led to the notion that FGM is a women’s issue? Is this leading to stereotyping on maters FGM? How do we avert this dangerous trend?

We need to target the young men, especially adolescents who have not yet undergone initiation into adulthood in our campaigns going forward. Why is this important? In most African cultures the youths get initiated into adulthood at the point of circumcision. Here they are taught on the types of women that they need to look for as potential spouses. They are also brainwashed on matters FGM at this point. We need to ensure by the time the boys are being initiated they are already well informed on matters FGM and they can easily make informed decisions afterwards.

Social media is one of the main tools that can be used to spark conversation among the youth as they remain the majority users. Online campaigns should be tailored to be attractive and user friendly to the youthful generation. This can only be achieved if we change/adopt our strategies to the changing times




Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

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