On 12th January 2020, I left Nairobi for Senegal Via Ethiopia and Bamako Mali. It was an exciting flight. Two of us from the Men End FGM Movement received a…
Fact, A man will never understand the reality of having Menstrual cramps, he will never understand how it feels to undergo actual Female Genital Mutilation, being raped or how it…
Mr. President. Thank you so much for being the latest entrant on team #MenEndFGM. May I start by edifying you on what this entails? #MenENDFGM is basically a movement of…
Belinda is a 13-year-old girl from Kaptolomwo village in Kasei Ward, West Pokot County, Kenya. She is a class 8 candidate at Kaptolomwo Primary School, scheduled to sit for her…
January 2019; Narok Commissioner George Natembea has been the talk of town after issuing a directive that all girls in Narok shall undergo tests to ascertain if they underwent FGM…
January 2019; Narok County Commissioner shook the nerves of the anti-FGM movement in Kenya by proposing mandatory pregnancy and FGM testing. Within no time everyone was up in arms condemning…
Happy New Year! On 10th and 11th December 2018 I was privileged to sit down at the National Religious Leaders Summit held in Nairobi Kenya. The summit brought together religious…
In the wake of Nimko Ali Vs #TGGDeliveringChange #TGGDidwell (DFID Grant) I will begin by saying engaging youth and grassroots organizations effectively in the fight against FGM is one of…
I have decided to occasionally publish my behind the scenes conversations trying to convince Female Genital Mutilation sympathizers’. This is done only with full consent of the person involved and…