The sprint to EndFGM/C by 2030 is ON!

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A man will never understand the reality of having Menstrual cramps, he will never understand how it feels to undergo actual Female Genital Mutilation, being raped or how it feels to be in labor pains.  The survivors, women and girls have a better understanding of all this.

Hard Reality,

Most if not all reasons for FGM/C point directly or indirectly to increasing marriageability. FGM is done by women on women for men. No woman or girl undergoes FGM for their own benefit. Unfortunately, most of these men have no idea of what happens during the actual cutting. I totally disagree with statements like, “We should not praise the fish for swimming” in reference to engaging men and boys in the fight against FGM.

We stand to lose nothing by wooing and enlightening men on the realities of FGM. Making them understand the physical, mental, and economic burdens of FGM and having them as allies in our quest to end this harmful practice. Men need to value and see women as fellow human beings. But, we stand to lose everything by ignoring them and assuming it’s their natural responsibility and they remain ignorant of the facts. In my view, there is no problem with praising, wooing, and enticing the fish to swim towards your trap.   

Having a “Tubonge na Baba” session in Kuria, Migori County

Voice of Reason,

2030 is fast approaching, The End FGM/C marathon that started in the 1970s is entering the last laps and now it’s a sprint to the finish line. The last laps require us to be intentional in our messages, move from conference rooms, and implement the many policies and documents produced over the years.  More importantly, we need to work together to eliminate #FGM.

This work should never be seen as a competition between women and girls on one side against men and boys on the other. Let us continue engaging women and girls as we have been doing and find a way of incorporating men and boys in our interventions. This harmful practice is everyone’s business. Though men may not understand the realities of FGM they remain key allies in the quest to End FGM & negative masculinity

Happy New Year and may 2020 be the year we finally Kick FGM out of our communities


Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

There are 1 comments

  1. ‘FGM IS DONE BY WOMEN ON WOMEN FOR’I really support this phrase and therefore there is need for women to be taught about this.Men should as well be updated with knowledge on the effects of FGM.This will in turn help to eliminate this forgone culture from our societies.


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