Wonders never cease to happen! the Kenyan pro FGM doctor

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Wonders never cease to happen! I mean I am still ‘Ngethiaring’ from the events of  2nd November 2017. Just to put you to speed one Dr. Tatu Kamau a woman and Kenyan citizen petitioned Anti-FGM Board and Attorney General of Kenya on the claim that establishment and existence of the Board contravenes the right to participate in the cultural life as a person’s choice, and Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act, which outlaws FGM, infringes on the right of women to perform their respective cultures. “Ati WHAT!!”

Ignorance at its best I call it! But wait a moment I thank Dr Tatu for representing the majority Pro FGM crusaders out there who have been working tirelessly to derail the efforts made in this fight. Recently there has been a surge in cases of medicalization of FGM and remember this is done by qualified medical practitioners. You need not look far many politicians remain mum on this issue which is worse than Dr. Tatu’s case.

Are women their own enemies? No idea. What motivates Dr Tatu? My guess is as good as yours. Though I was present in court to witness this ‘wonder’ I did not get an opportunity to have a one on one chat with her, an opportunity I still cherish.

The matter will be heard next on 17th January 2018 and for sure by God’s will I will be in court to witness and listen as DR Tatu elaborates her grounds for the petition. This though is going to be an uphill task for her, as over seven organizations have showed interest in the case and it’s going to be legal minds against Dr Tatu who is doing self-representation in court.



Tony Mwebia

Founder & Executive Director (Men End FGM), Gender Equality Advocate, Writer, Activist & Consultant

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